Federal Budget

Is The Market High On Easy Money?

Are the fundamentals sound? Or is Wall Street high on Easy Money? This week David talks about the recent chart that has been making the rounds on Wall Street. The chart superimposes the market’s recent performance on top of a… (Read more)

Government Dependency Continues Its Rapid Ascent

This week, David is joined by David Muhlhausen P.h.D, from The Heritage Foundation. Listen in as David discusses with Dr. Muhlhausen the 2013 Index On Dependence of Government.  The Washington Post, The Washington Times and Forbes magazine are among publications that have cited Muhlhausen’s research. He has been… (Read more)

Dr. Robert Murphy Interview

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” ~Henry Ford, If you remember take just one thing… (Read more)

Upcoming Events, Debt Ceiling, 401k’s and More

This week David talks about several upcoming events that he will be attending or speaking at. They are as follows: Night Of Clarity Come hear some of the nation’s foremost authorities diagnose the nation’s economic crisis, from the perspective of… (Read more)

Washington’s Lust For Your Retirement Savings

This week David talks about a very important subject. Washington’s lust for Americans’ retirement savings. The recent Cyprus bank crisis has made everyone (or at least those who have saved their money) keenly aware that something like this could happen to them. Tune… (Read more)