Wall Street

Lesson 4: Fees, Fees, and More Fees!

– Fourth in the ED Series – “The tyranny of compounding costs overcomes the miracle of compounding interest.” ―John Bogle, of Vanguard Every year, we Americans, en masse, participate in fee heavy investment accounts without having any idea of how they work. Few current… (Read more)

Lesson 1: Wall Street’s Valuation Vs. Insurance Companies

– First in the Annuities ED Series – THE DEFINITION OF RISK is the chance that an investment’s actual return will be different than expected. Risk includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. Different versions of… (Read more)

Talking With Tony Walker

Because The David Lukas Show is the only radio program in Arkansas dedicated to helping savers worry less about money®, we consider it our duty to our listeners to provide the critical information need to safeguard their hard earned retirement… (Read more)

Do You Know What Lost Opportunity Could Be Costing You?

Are you unaware of the amount of fees you are currently paying on your investments each year? If you are, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have been sold a retirement plan—the 401k specifically—that can be loaded with the kind… (Read more)

Are You Emotionally Invested in Wall Street?

Have you been duped into believing that you’re an investor instead of a saver? Does Wall Street have you convinced that in order to make money in the market you must be resigned to high fees and opportunity loss? Listen… (Read more)

To Error Is Human—Right?

***NOTE*** we will be adding a video to this episode within a few days.  To Error Is Human—Right? We, humans, are presented with multiple opportunities to make potentially damaging financial mistakes everyday. When you’re young and in the first half… (Read more)