Wealth Transferes

Keep It Super Simple

When something comes along that’s outside of your box of knowledge, you have two choices. You can ignore it, or you can get a bigger box! This week, David is joined by John Little in the studio.  David spends the majority of this episode… (Read more)

Here’s To Your Business!

The value of your business is larger than some and certainly some businesses are larger than yours. There is one thing that all business owners have in common and that is they want their business to grow! This week David dives into… (Read more)

It’s Better To Give Than Receive

David takes a few minutes to reflect on the year and encourages his listeners to go serve someone else.  Take the time to focus on someone else. It truly is better to give than to receive. There are endless opportunities right in… (Read more)

The Number Twelve

This week John Little joins David in the studio to talk about the number twelve. Many things are associated with the number twelve. There are twelve months in a year, you can buy cookies, doughnuts and eggs by the dozen,… (Read more)

Your Best Defense Is An Informed Mind

Neither Wall Street, nor the government wants an informed public. Your best defense is an informed mind. “An Investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are… (Read more)

Proven Business Systems

This week, Val Wheeler joins David in the studio. Does your business have a plan to spend the same dollar over and over and over? Does your business have guaranteed access to money to expand your business? Do you have a plan… (Read more)

Mortgage Planning, what is it?

The fact is, Americans devote the largest portion of their incomes to housing. Consequently, how you handle the financing of your home will have far-reaching implications on virtually every area of your financial life, including your ability to save, pay… (Read more)