Life Insurance

How Privatized Banking Really Works

This week, David interviews Dr. Robert P. Murphy who is one of the leading free market economists in the U.S. today. He is the author of multiple books, including How Privatized Banking Really Works, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression… (Read more)

Government Dependency Continues Its Rapid Ascent

This week, David is joined by David Muhlhausen P.h.D, from The Heritage Foundation. Listen in as David discusses with Dr. Muhlhausen the 2013 Index On Dependence of Government.  The Washington Post, The Washington Times and Forbes magazine are among publications that have cited Muhlhausen’s research. He has been… (Read more)

Fees, Fees, Fees

This week, David dives into the topic of Qualified Plans. Yes, Americans by en masse blindly participate in 401k’s without  having any idea of how they work. At the very least if you are putting the bulk of your retirement savings into… (Read more)

Look What The Banks Are Doing

Look What The Banks Are Doing, Not What They Want You To Do. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check out the following broadcast: Think and Operate Like a Bank and How Banks Make Money This week David… (Read more)

Think And Operate Like A Bank

Note to KARN listeners, The Video is below. Who won the game of tic tac toe the first time you played? You and I regularly lost this game as children until we understood the rules and strategy of the game.… (Read more)

The Great Wall Street Retirement Scam

Listen now to hear David interview Rick Bueater, author of The Great Wall Street Retirement Scam. This book provides insights about money, greed and the American retirement system. Once you understand the critical questions Rick brings up in his book, you will begin to understand how Wall Street is scamming American Retirement savers.