
Fees, Fees, Fees

This week, David dives into the topic of Qualified Plans. Yes, Americans by en masse blindly participate in 401k’s without  having any idea of how they work. At the very least if you are putting the bulk of your retirement savings into… (Read more)

Look What The Banks Are Doing

Look What The Banks Are Doing, Not What They Want You To Do. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check out the following broadcast: Think and Operate Like a Bank and How Banks Make Money This week David… (Read more)

It’s An Insider’s Game

Stay tuned for all of the details for the upcoming Economic Freedom Summit that will be held on October the 25th and 26th at The Chateau on The Lake in Branson, MO.  You will be able get all of the details… (Read more)

Upcoming Events, Debt Ceiling, 401k’s and More

This week David talks about several upcoming events that he will be attending or speaking at. They are as follows: Night Of Clarity Come hear some of the nation’s foremost authorities diagnose the nation’s economic crisis, from the perspective of… (Read more)

An Economic Workhorse

This week, David reads an excerpt from his upcoming Book, “Whose Future Are You Financing? What the Government and Wall Street Don’t want you to know.”  The excepts relate to the “Mega Banks”. Those that are too big to fail.… (Read more)

Washington’s Lust For Your Retirement Savings

This week David talks about a very important subject. Washington’s lust for Americans’ retirement savings. The recent Cyprus bank crisis has made everyone (or at least those who have saved their money) keenly aware that something like this could happen to them. Tune… (Read more)

It’s Everyone’s Favorite Time Of The Year (Not Really)

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year (not really). The tax deadline is upon us. The fact is that there are a large number of people who overpay their taxes simply because they aren’t proactive. Part of being proactive is working with a qualified CPA. David invited Deron… (Read more)