Federal Budget

Freedom From The Tyranny of Big Banks

   To understand the core problem in America today, we have to look back to the very founding of our country. Paintings By Anthony Freda: www.AnthonyFreda.com The Founding Fathers fought for liberty and justice. But they also fought for a sound economy and… (Read more)

I’m From the Government and I’m Here To Help With Your 401K

Many in Washington see our investment accounts not as the expressions of well-planned, disciplined decisions but as untapped reservoirs of wealth they can drain to fix the problems that they caused. Is the same federal government that has Social Security… (Read more)

The Creature from Jekyll Island: The Federal Reserve Is Born

Think the creation of money is a boring subject? Think again! Just how much do you know about that Federal Reserve Note that’s in your wallet? The American Heritage Dictionary defines fiat money as “paper money decreed legal tender, not backed… (Read more)

Your Best Defense Is An Informed Mind

Neither Wall Street, nor the government wants an informed public. Your best defense is an informed mind. “An Investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are… (Read more)

The Federal Goverment and The Federal Reserve: A Very Cozy Relationship

Listen in this week as David continues to cover a very important topic: The history of The Federal Reserve. Learn about the very cozy relationship between our Federal Government and The Federal Reserve. For most Americans they have little idea… (Read more)

Mortgage Payoff Strategies

David invited his good friend Val Wheeler from Southern Financial Group. Val is a veteran in the financial industry with over 33 years experience. Possibly you have heard David talking about this on his Radio Show. David and Val talk mortgage payoff strategies.  Most people assume… (Read more)