Wealth Transferes

Is the Answer To Take On More Risk?

This week David talks about the importance of understanding why much of the prevalent mindset of  achieving  retirements savings objectives is often synonymous with taking on more risk. Risk can be defined as exposure to loss. Synonyms for risk in… (Read more)

An Economic Workhorse

This week, David reads an excerpt from his upcoming Book, “Whose Future Are You Financing? What the Government and Wall Street Don’t want you to know.”  The excepts relate to the “Mega Banks”. Those that are too big to fail.… (Read more)

It’s Everyone’s Favorite Time Of The Year (Not Really)

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year (not really). The tax deadline is upon us. The fact is that there are a large number of people who overpay their taxes simply because they aren’t proactive. Part of being proactive is working with a qualified CPA. David invited Deron… (Read more)

Big Subsidies = Big Banks

“Capitalism without failure is like religion without sin – it just doesn’t work.” Allan Maultzer, economist. “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.” Herbert Spencer, English philosopher. So what… (Read more)

I’m From the Government and I’m Here To Help With Your 401K

Many in Washington see our investment accounts not as the expressions of well-planned, disciplined decisions but as untapped reservoirs of wealth they can drain to fix the problems that they caused. Is the same federal government that has Social Security… (Read more)