
It’s Better To Give Than Receive

David takes a few minutes to reflect on the year and encourages his listeners to go serve someone else.  Take the time to focus on someone else. It truly is better to give than to receive. There are endless opportunities right in… (Read more)

Your Best Defense Is An Informed Mind

Neither Wall Street, nor the government wants an informed public. Your best defense is an informed mind. “An Investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are… (Read more)

The Pirates of Manhattan

David is joined by Barry Dyke author of The Pirates of Manhattan. From the back of the book: Get behind the scenes of modern finance and discover the people and financial institutions which control your financial life. Learn why finance… (Read more)

The Creature From Jekyll Island Is Born

This week is a continuation of a detailed analysis of the history of The Federal Reserve. David continues to play excerpts from a speech by G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island. Find out how unlimited taxation was imposed… (Read more)

The Federal Goverment and The Federal Reserve: A Very Cozy Relationship

Listen in this week as David continues to cover a very important topic: The history of The Federal Reserve. Learn about the very cozy relationship between our Federal Government and The Federal Reserve. For most Americans they have little idea… (Read more)

Money, Banking and The Federal Reserve

Have you ever really thought about Money? Have you ever really stopped to think about the physical dollars that you spend? What about the “electronic” money that your Banker loaned you?  What is it? How did we get to where we are today? What… (Read more)