Mortgage Rates

The 6-Step Mortgage Planning Process

If you are a regular listener of The David Lukas show, then you are no stranger to the concept Mortgage Planning. David has done multiple shows on the topic of Mortgage Planning over the years. Here are a few of… (Read more)

Mortgage Planning, what is it?

The fact is, Americans devote the largest portion of their incomes to housing. Consequently, how you handle the financing of your home will have far-reaching implications on virtually every area of your financial life, including your ability to save, pay… (Read more)

The Two Largest Wealth Transfers: Mortgages and Taxes

David continues talking about the three types of money. Specifically, this week he focuses on two types of transferred money: Mortgages and Taxes. Your mortgage, or more specifically how you manage your mortgage can contribute to a major wealth transfer. If you… (Read more)