David Lukas Talks With Neil Denman

Listen to David speak with Neil Denman, CPA, and partner of Denman, Hamilton and Associates, talk about the alternatives we as taxpayers should consider to minimize taxation as much as possible. Obama care, whether you’re for it…or against it, is… (Read more)

With Tax Day Right Around The Bend… Are You Prepared?

With tax day right around the bend… are you prepared? Listen to David speak with Daren Hamilton, a CPA and partner of Denman, Hamilton and Associates CPA, PLLC, speak candidly about the necessary balance between savings and spending, taxes, and… (Read more)

It’s Everyone’s Favorite Time Of The Year (Not Really)

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year (not really). The tax deadline is upon us. The fact is that there are a large number of people who overpay their taxes simply because they aren’t proactive. Part of being proactive is working with a qualified CPA. David invited Deron… (Read more)