Fractional Reserve Banking

The Banking Equation II

David talks about the limited time offer to get a copy of his book for FREE. On 07/20/2013 the book will be made available for no cost as in FREE. Anyone who takes advantage of this offer will will receive… (Read more)

Money and Banking

David spends some time talking about the need to understand economics and banking. “Where did the money come from? It came, and this is the most important single thing to know about modern banking-it came out of thin air. Commercial… (Read more)

The Creature from Jekyll Island: The Federal Reserve Is Born

Think the creation of money is a boring subject? Think again! Just how much do you know about that Federal Reserve Note that’s in your wallet? The American Heritage Dictionary defines fiat money as “paper money decreed legal tender, not backed… (Read more)

Money, Banking and The Federal Reserve

Have you ever really thought about Money? Have you ever really stopped to think about the physical dollars that you spend? What about the “electronic” money that your Banker loaned you?  What is it? How did we get to where we are today? What… (Read more)