Welcome! Zachary Levi Lukas

 This week David shifts gears to talk about his experience over the last week.  David talked about the new addition to his family, Zachary Levi Lukas. Zach was born on 09/19/2013 at 10:10 am.  Listen in as David tells his story of the stress and Joy that he experienced while in the hospital over the last week. David’s better Half (Leah Lukas) experienced multiple complications including congestive heart failure.  David would like to especially thank the skill and care of Dr. Marks (at Baptist Health in NLR) during an undoubtedly critical situation. Thank You!!

Below are a few pictures on David’s new addition to the family. Welcome to the world Zach!

ZLL 09192013



Audrey and Zach

Audrey and Zach

Benjamin and his little brother Zach

ben and zach