Banking with Life Documentary

blank-cd-or-dvd-jewel-case-8c1eae-283x300The headlines never change, and the problems stay the same.  Taxes keep increasing.  Inflation keeps rising.  Economic booms are followed by the inevitable bust.  It’s impossible for working families to get ahead by following the typical financial advice.  What’s more, the current financial system is set up to benefit banking institutions, not you!

In Banking With Life, you will learn that you can take control of your financial future by turning the banking equation in your favor.  You can literally create your own personal monetary system (banking system).  This  is a proven system that has been around for many, many years.

In this film, you will learn:

  • How the Federal Reserve and Commercial banks are destroying the value of the dollar.
  • Why a tax-qualified retirement plans are really just an I.O.U to the I.R.S.
  • Discover the alternative to what Wall Street doesn’t want you to know,

Do the Financial Institutions teach you the rules? NO! When you know the truth, you can absolutely turn the banking equation in your favor and stop transferring it away to a  system designed to keep you coming back for more.

Banking With Life:

Banking With Life: Understanding Austrian Economics

Banking With Life:
Problems with Tax-Qualified Plans

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