Helping Savers Worry Less About Money®

Market Crashsav·er



Plural noun: savers; suffix: -savers

1. To rescue or preserve from harm, danger, injury, etc.; make or keep safe

2. To prevent or guard against loss or waste


What does it truly mean to be a saver? Well, as it turns out it all boils down to psychology. How we think about money isn’t just a learned trait—it’s engrained into our financial DNA. In this week’s installment of the DL Show, David Lukas explains how a saver’s genetic makeup differs from that of the other two types of financial personalities [investors, speculators].

Your job is to confirm that what the financial world is in the business of peddling is in your best interest – that the products and strategies are in line with who you are and what best suits your financial personality.  The Tree Personalities of Money® provides you the confirmation you need to avoid the trappings of the one size-fits-all mentality that are bombarding your mind on a daily. Wall Street has no intentions of safeguarding your hard earned retirement funds, so that leaves it up to you. If you’re more concerned with protecting the return of your money than seeking higher rates of return on your investments the time to act is now.

Let David help you take the necessary steps needed for financial freedom. Protecting what you have has never been simpler.

By following the 5 Simple Steps to The WorryFree Retirement® you can be well on your way to  being Worry Free.

Call now and make a no strings attached appointment today. Find out how The WorryFree Retirement® process can help you worry less about money at the same time you  enjoy and use your money. Find out what it means to have guaranteed income that you can never outlive.

Office: (501) 218-8880

Toll-free: (800) 559-0933

Are you a saver? Find out by taking the test: