It’s What Your Advisor Doesn’t Know That Could Hurt You.

A new year is upon us and now is the best time to get in there and be active in planning your life—after work. Are you getting the whole story? Do you know the details of your retirement? Chances are, you don’t.

Deeper conversations with your Financial Advisor (FA) could be the difference between life after retirement and work after retirement. So what types of conversations should you be having? First, does he/she have you set up so that you gain the ability to generate income after retirement? Do you, the client, know when is the best time to claim Social Security benefits? Has your FA educated you on how to minimize taxes or how to withdraw from an IRA without getting hit with big fees. Do you know how often you will or should meet with your FA and what you’ll talk about when you do?

This week on the David Lukas show, David wants to know what you know about your retirement. He’s interested in talking about what your Financial Advisor knows about you and your goals in retirement. Because, with all of these important questions surrounding your investments, it’s so important to have an advisor that takes the time to understand your “personal” goals. David talks in depth about the importance of working with a Fiduciary to get the results you want.

Five things you should expect to happen when meeting with your FA:

  • A discussion about the risk involved in all investment through various market cycles.
  • An education in your investments, in simple easy to understand terms.
  • A review of your retirements current status and explanation therein.
  • That your retirement plan should be a comprehensive game plan. Not just a list of holdings
  • An expectation of how often you will be meeting to review your situation.

To hear all of the important things said in this episode, listen today!

Get the 2017 Social Security Benefits Guide FREE

Social Security Questions? Get a copy of SS Benefits Guidelines Handbook here at Also, get a Social Security Analysis (valued at $124.95) provided by DL Financial, (FREE with coupon code: ss60) when you visit.

Interested in the WorryFree® Retirement? Get started in just five simple steps…

1. Clarify your vision

Before beginning any journey, it’s best to know where you are going and what to expect along the way. Our first step of the process is unique because it’s all about you and “your” vision of retirement.
Together, we will clarify where you want to go. We’ll help identify your personal strengths and opportunities and consider potential dangers and threats to your financial journey. A personalized written outline summarizing your unique vision will be mailed to you for review at no cost or obligation.

2. Assess your situation

A trusted doctor would never give a medical diagnosis without first looking you over. Neither will we! That’s the reason the second step was created: “The Assessment.”
At this meeting we will review your personal financial information. We’ll help organize your finances so that potential issues or concerns can be addressed and corrected. A brief written assessment of any findings and recommendations will be provided to you at no cost.

3. Commit your retirement

The WorryFree Retirement® is based on commitment and trust. In order to work together, we must confirm our commitment to the process.
We will never pressure you to buy anything from us, nor will we ever suggest you move forward with our recommendations unless you completely understand them.

4. Implement your Gameplan

Reaching any goal requires action. With implementation of your personal Gameplan, you will have a safe, easy to follow path format reaching your retirement goals.
This written Gameplan will be self-contained in a highly organized binder that clearly communicates your hopes and dreams.

5. Monitor your progress

There’s only one guarantee in life: Nothin’ stays the same! Because change is inevitable, we provide one-on-one consultation with you at no cost, whenever you need it. When you’ve got a question, we’ll be here for you.

That’s what trust and commitment are all about.

The WorryFree Retirement® Process anticipates change and values the idea of monitoring your progress along the way. Our time together also gives us a chance to explore new ideas and possibilities as well.

Ready to get started with The WorryFree Retirement process? Schedule a no cost consultation with David by following the link or calling: (501) 218-8880.

The 3 Personalities of Money®:
Do you know whether you are a Saver, an Investor or a Speculator? Learn about the three distinct personalities of money and take the FREE test today at: